Newforge Sports Complex...

is the home of Police Sport & Recreation. The facility is situated at Newforge Lane, surrounded by Lagan Valley Regional Park in South Belfast. We offer outdoor sports pitches for football, rugby, hockey, 5-aside, tennis and bowls. The Clubhouse boasts four function suites, catering for 30 to 200 people, and a number of smaller meeting for business or social needs. Newforge is fully wheelchair accessible, includes a lift to access the first floor and has ample complimentary car parking on site.

For more general information please click here

What we do...

The Athletic Association is a registered charity. To see our charitable objects please click here

How to become a member...

To join the Athletic Association click here

How to join a sports club...

However you choose to get involved, you can join one of our sections and contribute to amateur sport. Have a look at how by clicking here

Contact Us...


028 9068 1027

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